Remedial Massage
Developing your stress management program may be the most important thing you can do for yourself and others! When considering all the components of stress management one particular element stands out above all. The human touch ! As the world becomes increasingly digital we sometimes forget that connecting with real people brings a special quality that can't quite be captured in an algorithm.
All forms of massage have proven to be therapeutic but remedial massage is particularly effective' using combinations of deep tissue massage and joint mobilization therapy with the intuitive nature of a skilled practitioner to bring about a new level of healing.
Stress not only affects the mind but the flow of effects travels throughout our entire body creating muscle spasms that radiate to a range of organs and systems and things can lock up pretty quickly. The remedial massage covers posture and sports injuries, head, neck, and shoulders with a deep focus on spinal strength and function. Apart from the technique itself, your remedial therapist can advise on your body and discuss any injuries or concerns you may have.
Pain management is one of the many areas covered by remedial massage therapists including lower back pain or shoulder pain or chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Its usually recommended that treatments be ongoing for a period to resolve chronic issues. Health rebates with certain funds may be available so check with your health insurance provider.
Your practitioner will usually start by assessing posture, muscles, tendons, and ligaments and then gradually work to unlock those areas obstructing flow. Over time the natural endorphins released in your body through the treatment can result in improved sleep and mood and indirectly support digestive function.
Junko is a registered Remedial Therapist and is available for bookings on request in the Melbourne metropolitan area.